Gah, plumbing! We were not looking forward to re-routing the plumbing to put the faucet in for the sink. It felt like college all over again, procrastinating until the very last minute.  But low and behold, after lots of mapping, re-routing and drilling the pipes were laid….and BOOM we had water. Of course Alan might say it took a little more then a boom before we got water;D After the plumbing we put the drywall up and currently waiting for the plaster to dry. Hoping to only need one more coat of plaster so we can paint and place the sink in.

Last week I showed you our partially finished countertop, well now it’s done and I’m not quite sure how I ever lived without it. I really enjoyed all that I learned with building the countertop. I felt like a rockstar using the table saw and drilling in my own holes for my dowel pins. If you don’t own a dowel kit, get one!

We built the sink base from a piece of metal Alan found in the the trash. Dumpster diving for the win! We cut it down into three pieces for the front part. We used 2 half inch steel pipes to to secure it into the wall and supporting the sink.  We got a cast aluminum square tube to place in the front center for extra support. We spray painted it black with a satin finish.

I feel like we were constantly work in the laundry room last week, but didn’t accomplish as much as I would have liked. Plumbing took a lot of time and work, with a few snags in the road. That’s just how it is with remodeling, you have to take into account that things will always take longer than anticipated and there will be hiccups here and there.

We have 1 week left! We’re are bound and determined to finish on time.  Here’s what we have left to do this week: We have to sand, re-plaster (hopefully only one more time), sand again and paint. The sink still needs to be polished, sealed and placed in its new home. I need to finish paneling the wall once the sink is in. Cabinet crown moulding needs to be painted and installed. Lame door leading to the garage needs a face lift with trim and paint. Then the laundry room will need a good scrub down for her big reveal! It looks like it’s going to be a busy week with long days and lots of coffee for us.  Say a little pray for us.

Check out our tutorial for DIY cabinets! We completed the cabinets around week 5, but just now got the tutorial up on the blog. The cabinets turned out beautiful and it’s a fun DIY.


Go check out the other incredible ORC participants at Better home and Garden’s page.

This article was written by Al&Em